New Name, Same Values: The Story Behind Rosa Gynecology’s Recent Rebrand

Feb 6, 2024 | Blog

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet.” 

–William Shakespeare

As many of you may already know, and as a quick glance at this very website and logo above should confirm, we recently went through the challenging but reinvigorating process of rebranding our beloved practice.

After doing business as Peachtree City Obstetrics & Gynecology for nearly 40 years, we have been reborn as Rosa Gynecology, a new name that both honors our past and underscores our recommitment to providing care to patients in Peachtree City, Newnan, and beyond, moving forward.

Read below to learn the story behind Rosa Gynecology’s recent brand overhaul, with contributions from Rosa Gynecology’s managing physicians Drs. Mironda D. Williams, Deanna E. Guthrie, and Karen T. Greene!

New Name, Same Values: Women Taking Care of Women

Although our name has changed, our commitment to delivering first-class gynecological healthcare to women – keeping Service, Care, and Healing at the center of everything we do – remains the same.

“As Rosa Gynecology, we will continue to provide the highest level of quality and compassionate care,” says Dr. Guthrie. “Our patients can expect the same acclaimed providers, the same state-of-the-art locations, and the same world-class services we’ve always offered.”

Says Dr. Williams, “Our core values have been, and always will be, centered around a simple philosophy: ‘Women taking care of women.’” She continues, “Our vision and mission also remain steadfast regardless of the name change. Our vision is that anyone who encounters Rosa Gynecology as a patient or provider is profoundly enriched by their experience, and our mission serves to facilitate that.”

Bottom line? We’re still the same three physicians you’ve come to count on. We’re still providing the very best in comprehensive, patient-focused gynecological care. And we’re still, “women taking care of women.”

Why Rebrand? Why Now?

Having operated as Peachtree City Obstetrics & Gynecology since 1990, physicians Drs. Mironda D. Williams, Deanna E. Guthrie, and Karen T. Greene recognized that perhaps the name had become too geographically specific and was not reflective of its current growth, as the practice had been serving patients across five Atlanta-area counties for decades.

A new name represented the opportunity to clearly communicate to patients, both existing and prospective, that the practice serves women across Metro Atlanta and beyond.

“We’ve never just served Peachtree City,” says Dr. Williams. “We’ve always practiced well outside the local parameters of the city. A new name could fully represent who we are now as a practice and allow us to continue growing.”

Additionally, the three physicians saw a need to stay relevant in an increasingly digitized world, understanding that Google searches of “Peachtree City Obstetrics & Gynecology” often created confusion for patients. With so many “Peachtree”-named roads, streets, neighborhoods, and medical practices scattered around Metro Atlanta, a new moniker, in theory, would allow patients to find them online with relative ease.

Adds Dr. Greene, “Let’s be honest, ‘Peachtree City Obstetrics’ is a mouthful and can be a lot to remember.” 

A new practice name – one that’s concise, easy to remember, not locked in to any one Atlanta city, and easier for patients to find online – could minimize the complications created over time by the former name.

But, according to Dr. Guthrie, a potential rebranding represented more than just a quick fix for these obvious practical issues.

“As a practice, you don’t want to be stagnant, you want to attract new people and achieve new goals,” she says. “You want to expand into new demographics. You want to offer a fresh take, both for our physicians and our patients. You want to stay current, shape new ideas, and find news way to love what we do.”

A Nod to Our Past, A Bridge to Our Future

So, after months of critical thinking, long deliberations, and even some soul searching, Drs. Mironda D. Williams, Deanna E. Guthrie, and Karen T. Greene finally settled on the perfect name for their rebranded practice: Rosa Gynecology.

Honoring the rich history of Peachtree City Obstetrics & Gynecology, the name Rosa Gynecology pays homage to its founder and colleague, Dr. Rose Marie Shultz, who originally established the practice with her husband Gerry in 1984.

“We’re incredibly grateful and proud of our history, and we’re sincerely thankful to the generations of patients trusting us with their gynecological needs,” says Dr. Greene. “It’s that trust and loyalty that enables Rosa Gynecology to grow, and we’re honored and privileged to offer evolving best practices and the latest technology to even more patients into the future.”

For an even deeper dive into rebrand, check out Rosa Gynecology’s three-part “Take Good Care” podcast series, “The Rebrand.” on YouTube (Parts One, Two, and Three). 

Rosa Gynecology’s care team is composed of Mironda D. Williams, M.D., Deanna E. Guthrie, M.D., Karen T. Greene, M.D., and Mary Corbitt, APRN. The practice’s patient-centered, comprehensive services encompass the breadth of gynecology management, preventative gynecology, and procedural gynecology. Additionally, Rosa Gynecology is a certified provider of SottoPelle therapy, bioidentical hormone therapies, and onsite ultrasound and digital mammography.

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