On the November 12 episode of “The Portia Show,” a nationally syndicated TV lifestyle program primarily focusing on the needs of Black women, Drs. Williams, Greene, and Guthrie of Rosa Gynecology spoke in depth about finding harmony amid their personal and professional lives.
The three managing partners of Rosa Gynecology spoke with host Portia Bruner about how they met years ago in residency, and eventually found themselves working at the same practice, and later buying the practice together.
However, running a business while simultaneously serving as a health care provider can take its toll, they explained.
“You live by your calendar,” Dr. Greene said. “You feel like a little gerbil. Running, running, running.”
In an effort to find a better work/life balance, the partners decided to step away from obstetrics, which can dominate a great deal of time, and focus solely on women’s reproductive health care. The goal was to have a gratifying professional life while managing self-care alongside family responsibilities from raising children to caring for elderly parents.
“It’s important to set boundaries for what you can and can’t do,” Dr. Williams said. And it’s important to set up boundaries in the practice as well. We went from a five-day work week to a four-day work week.”
The trio said they began owning peace and calm over chaos. For Dr. Williams, it was about allowing herself to do things in segments instead of trying to do everything at once. Dr. Greene found herself attempting to do the type of self-care she suggested others do without the guilt.
“I had to give myself permission to relax,” Dr. Guthrie said, “and not feel like I had to be somewhere all of the time.”
Watch Drs. Williams, Greene, and Guthrie on “The Portia Show” below!